SECURITY uses a comprehensive selection of the latest security measures to make sure your credit cards details are kept secure when ordering over the internet. Our Secure Server provider has never been intercepted by a third party or lost a single order.

As soon as you enter the order process, every bit of information that is transferred between you and us is encrypted using SSL encryption. Even if data could be intercepted over the Internet it would be useless.

When you enter the secure area of our site, you will notice a a small padlock on your browser. This normally appears on the top right or bottom right of your screen.

To double check this, you can right click on the page and select 'properties' or 'view frame info' from the list which will tell you whether you are secure or not.

Also look out for the sign of a secure web page, which can be identified by the URL (the web site address). A standard page will begin with 'http://'. A SECURE web page will begin with the URL 'https://' denoting that the merchant is using a secure server for the transaction of data.

When you establish a secure connection, the downloaded web site sends a digital certificate to your web browser. When the certificate arrives, it contains a public key, which functions as a one-way encryption device.

The browser then uses this key to scramble your personal data (Credit Card Information) before sending it over the Internet. Information encrypted with the public key cannot be decrypted without the corresponding private key, which only the merchant has. Without this exclusive, private key, your personal information cannot be read.

It is a crime to purchase products with a false name or with the use of an invalid credit card. (An invalid credit card is one that is created for the sole purpose of purchasing items illegally or using a credit card or its information, via theft or unauthorized use.) It is also illegal to misuse the charge back process to take advantage of merchants. If you are a victim of fraud or if you are a perpetrator, be aware that Kiteshop will actively pursue and prosecute fraud offenders to the fullest extent of the law.

If however, you are still not happy with entering your details over the internet we will gladly take your order over the telephone on +44 (0) 121 544 2778


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